LAWN - The time of the military in Prato is about to expire and now it is right to thank all those guys in uniform who made us company through the streets of the center in all these past eighteen months. Young soldiers with little expertise in this area of \u200b\u200bpublic order and security because much more trained for scenarios binding, they did their full duty by the citizens feel safe. They gave the best of their professionalism in performing a task perhaps unwelcome preferred, we believe, to those scenarios Afghan Prato. They deserve the thanks of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin the hope that never again in the future should be to sacrifice their dignity to satisfy some populist political choices.
And after thanking those who have put the face with seriousness and commitment, we can not go to make an assessment on whether or not their use in our city, and then the choice whether or not those who gave them to politically speaking ported. The budget we do it through the data provided by the police in Prato on the state of crime in our city in 2010, compared with those provided by the police headquarters in Florence and on to the capital of Tuscany where the military was not used. According to these data, given just before Christmas, there was a decrease in Prato by about 11 percent of the crimes, but an increase for the robbery, the acts of violence and theft in homes. In Florence, the number of crimes fell by 15 percent, an increase for the acts of violence and theft in homes. It seems incredible but in Florence the percentage of crimes has fallen more than in Prato, where every day dozens of soldiers were deployed along with police officers and police, but in the general context was increased by the same for those types of serious crime. So what conclusions can we draw? The first is that the political decision of City of Prato has been guided by the center in this bankruptcy case: the presence of a non-military means has resulted in a decrease in crime, the other has committed hundreds of thousands of euro to pay additional allowances to soldiers, public money that could be used to provide other services or more simply, as called Italy of Values, to hire more police officers, financiers and police investigations should be devoted to investigation in order to prevent the commission of serious crimes . Security is a serious problem that you can not deal with the spot, pulling the wool over the eyes of the citizens who have been deceived by false promises during the election campaign and deceived with the presence of the military that was supposed to solve every problem. The year-end statistics say that the thefts have increased in homes and then there are thousands of families who have been robbing their homes. Although the robberies and murders have increased. We may feel safer with the policy of the military road made by the center? No, we thank the soldiers that we have tried hard, but we were calmer than they were a year and a half ago. In fact now, with the departure of the military, we feel even more at risk because the resources spent on the military are over and the police are increasingly understaffed. Now more than ever the council should put pressure on the Government to the security organs for the third largest city in central Italy (after Rome and Florence), has what is needed not only for the number of police officers, police and financiers, but also for staff and judges of the Court. Another front that it creates concern for the administration of justice and thus legal certainty. If it had already invested eighteen months ago on these two fronts instead of experiencing the spot propaganda, perhaps we really had more security and more Justice.
So the question of whether cities are served in the military, the answer can only be one: no.
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