PRATO - Reduce the costs of politics, optimize resources, find alternative routes, synergies and cheaper but with the goal of making more efficient action and concrete results. The elimination of Apt (Companies for tourism promotion) to respond to all these objectives and we support it fully.
Nevertheless some consideration it is right to avoid a good deal for the vast majority of the territories, could end up being detrimental to some reality or irrelevant for others. Given
we hope that does not mean the elimination of Apt also delete in one fell swoop the professionalism and valuable experience gained in them, the first question that arises is related to the fact that Tuscany to date have done little or nothing to encourage tourism, either because the local industrial economy has not felt the need, either because the residents have preferred to move into a niche in the economy linked to agricultural production and small. The great crisis of recent years has caused major upheavals in these situations and, perhaps for the first time, has increased the need to open up to new economic realities. And it is they who deserve our thoughts. Will the new structure regional (Tuscany Promotions) as it was designed to ensure that these realities can emerge? There will be scope to make reality so far virgin economy tourism can to be part with the proposals other than those already existing and therefore attractive outside? We will be in Tuscany Promotions sensitivity and professionalism aimed at understanding the needs and peculiarities of each individual in Tuscany and will not risk instead of the strongest tourist areas (such as Florence, Siena, Versilia and) do not even more than the lion's share going to fill the void of Apt with their already very active in business associations areas?
We believe and we absolutely hope so but because they open up new fronts is extremely necessary that we create synergies with local structures and prepared specifically addressed in the creation of paths that go to enhance the local and having in mind the idea of the end user in order to better reach and convince the goodness of their proposal.
We believe that all this work can not be borne only on the responsibility of provinces. This, especially those in government until the day before yesterday where no one has seen anything like tourism as a resource on which to focus for its development. The need to trust a person competent professionals is more than evident.
And therefore we feel that the proposal to move.
Region to establish criteria, put stakes through precise, and give great credit to the private consortium for the promotion of tourism that fall under those parameters. Consortia that may have more weight in front of the region as many companies fail to agree in the proposition put their projects. An element, that the amount of the associated companies, which may not be the only determining criterion in order not to penalize those situations where it is physically impossible to have large numbers of accommodation because physically not in the area.
The possibility of accrediting private consortia to meet the requirement that a party does not have costs for the government, the other would have trained professionals supermotivati \u200b\u200bencouraging tourism because their business is directly related to the number the attendance of project plans will be to bring in their areas of jurisdiction, and finally allow a large number of companies going online and work with the same objective by prescendire territorial limits, always in competition, but following the same lines Driving: (if you want to contribute a gastronomic journey to raise awareness of local products, for example, is clear and evident that all member companies will, in this project, gear up to ensure that the initiative succeeds.)
Encouraging the creation of such consortia, to help them in their projects deemed worthy, we believe it is a duty on the part of the Region.
We believe that promoting a territory can only take place with initiatives on the website of the Region. Today, type on any search engine the name of Tuscany, it means being bombarded with hundreds of entries and be able to reach the site of the Region is not always easy, not always we can not always follow it after a quick first touch. We must also get a view that there are only navigators experts and that sometimes the online visitor wants to be involved in the proposal which is enhanced by light photos, video, messages, contacts and, not to be underestimated, prices. Elements, especially the latter, only those on the land can provide and regularly update.
The tourist promotion of Tuscany can not be separated from direct contact with the territory, with its peculiarities and its needs. Tuscany is the land of the bell and as such may not be initiated and promoted with a unique proposal. Here the need to create a platform by the region on which each individual situation may put its own characteristics and value to contend worldwide.
Pasquale Petrella
Responsible Tourism Commission IDV Prato
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