LAWN - The celebrations for the one hundred and fifty years of the unification of Italy there are being discovered, if ever proof were needed, which unfortunately is a virus that is spreading and is infecting many Italians with the objective of destroying the unity cost so many lives.
The virus is the Northern League who never misses a chance to show his hand secessionist and disruptive to separate the North from the rest of Italy. And what's worse is that those who unfortunately that party if he keeps it to friend only to have the power, does not know the evil that is doing to Italy and Italians. The prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has not been seen in any of the celebrations held by the President of the Republic. An unjustified absence, embarrassing, and that unfortunately ends up even more credit to all those in the green shirt who want to distort the history, the Risorgimento and creating annihilate Padania. How can the Tuscans (fortunately still a few) vote for this party Lega Nord Padania when it ends with the river Po? How can the Tuscans and the Italians in the south of the river to vote a party that governs the Roman power to preserve only the North? The funds for storm damage in late 2010 for the province of Massa Carrara and Lucca are not there, but those for the flood in the Veneto region has been allocated the next day. How can we continue to subsidize and support with the votes a party that believed not to divide and to unite, who thinks of a superior race (the one north of Italy) and bottom (all the rest of Italy)? But history has taught us nothing?
The virus is eradicated by an effective vaccine. The President of the Republic was clear the flag to be respected and defended. Green, white and red as we have worn and wear it all the young people who pay with their lives for it and love for the homeland. The Northern League is the virus against the unification of Italy, but Berlusconi and PDL are accomplices and co-responsible. Now more than ever Italians must be able to wake up. You can not even give credit to the party that is cheating his own electorate of Northern Ireland with demagogic promises. Who does not want federalism? It 'the same center, or the Northern League and PDL in Parliament because they did not want to have the numbers to do so and instead engaged in a Greek play to make and unmake the day and night, blaming others. That federalism seems to be the same story of the conflict of interest that would be faced with the center when he found himself in power. The center does not have fully understood the importance, has not covered and then paid the high price, now is the center that despite the numbers to do so is not able to complete the federal and then it is right that the Italians, especially those in the north, punish him by not giving more confidence to that party that fills the mouth of federalism but really think about something else. Thieving Rome? Yes, but there are the PDL and the Northern League to eat for years now.
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