PRATO - Restoring credibility to the policy and bring them to the public. In a moment of great embarrassment for the conduct of some of the leading representatives of the center-right National Party from Carmignano (Prato) a project to make it clear that not all politicians are the same and that the center-the ethics of those who represent it is What a night.
For this, the eve of forthcoming elections in the municipality Medici, an ethical code was signed by all parties that make up the center-left coalition that will support Doriano Cirri mayoral candidate. A code of ethics to ensure conditions of transparency, fairness and loyalty that the members take to the community, of the respective parties, politics and its joints and elective government. It 's the first case in Italy, at the suggestion of Pasquale Petrella and actively developed by Salvo Bold, respectively secretary and member of the provincial secretary of the Italia dei Valori di Prato, which will see the light in the council hall of Carmignano. A strong act and a gauntlet to the center-right parties to do likewise and to export at national level. The code of ethics drawn up following the details offered by other parties forming the coalition was signed by representatives of the Democratic Party (Ilaria Bugetti lending and Edward), Lista Di Pietro Italia dei Valori (Fabio Evangelisti and Unless Ardita), Freedom and Ecology of the Left (Petraglia and Roberta Alessia Zenaga), the Federation of the Left (Christian Stefano Panichi and Ferdinand) and the Italian Socialist Party (Alessandro Michelozzi) and of course the candidate for mayor, Doriano Cirri.
In summary, the Code establishes the commitment of the parties covered by it not to present candidates who have been convicted or have been indicted for crimes against public administration, against the administration of justice, extortion, usury, money and use of money of illegal origin, fraudulent transfer of values, illegal traffic in waste.
The code of practice will apply also appointed by the mayor. And to close, the document also includes a rule against nepotism so that the administration to take all appropriate measures to prevent reports of bribery in the same hierarchical structure between individuals linked by ties of consanguinity or affinity within the third degree, or are spouses or cohabiting. In this regard, the mayor is committed to publishing the register of each elected and appointed. Finally, the mayor is bound to give the fullest possible transparency in public procurement and subcontracting to avoid allocating tasks to others when it meets parental affinity with the directors of First Instance.
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