Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Ben 10 Alien Force Ep 43
The technical board of Nursing , formed spontaneously in the meeting of November 2 us will meet again
to design a model of the Department of Health Professions, which is shared by all the profiles that are part and correctly interpret the spirit of the Law 251/2000, not yet applied in our Local Health Authority.
To facilitate the active participation of all profiles have become available referents, each for every professional, which is a reference to show suggestions, ideas, experiences of different company.
During the meeting we will discuss the current state of health professionals in our company, including:
law n.251 of 2000 ("Regulation of Health Professions);
Action 3 - Intervention 6 - OP 2010 Abruzzo (Rationalisation of operating units simple and complex);
Theory Project Department created by members of the Technical Board.
The Technical Board will work a set of fundamental objectives:
foster dialogue between the experiences of other work, virtuous, with the one experienced daily by our staff of local health Pescara
promoting change the way we work learning to transform their working reality in many small processes: learning to play an active role on them whenever it is needed, taking advantage of the professional autonomy that has been granted by the legislature, and gain positions of responsibility connected with it;
secure the creation of senior management positions including health professionals, ensuring equal access by all the professional profiles of Nursing;
ensure respect for the principles of meritocracy and transparency , which are key to transform employees in Human Resources real, really motivated, and therefore more active and closer to the spirit of the mission.
The technical board of Nursing , formed spontaneously in the meeting of November 2 us will meet again
Monday, January 24, 2011 in the House
(PO Pescara) at 15.00
(PO Pescara) at 15.00
To facilitate the active participation of all profiles have become available referents, each for every professional, which is a reference to show suggestions, ideas, experiences of different company.
are invited to participate
all employees
law n.251 of 2000 ("Regulation of Health Professions);
Action 3 - Intervention 6 - OP 2010 Abruzzo (Rationalisation of operating units simple and complex);
Theory Project Department created by members of the Technical Board.
The Technical Board will work a set of fundamental objectives:
foster dialogue between the experiences of other work, virtuous, with the one experienced daily by our staff of local health Pescara
promoting change the way we work learning to transform their working reality in many small processes: learning to play an active role on them whenever it is needed, taking advantage of the professional autonomy that has been granted by the legislature, and gain positions of responsibility connected with it;
secure the creation of senior management positions including health professionals, ensuring equal access by all the professional profiles of Nursing;
ensure respect for the principles of meritocracy and transparency , which are key to transform employees in Human Resources real, really motivated, and therefore more active and closer to the spirit of the mission.
Prom Dress Color For Brown Skin
center in Carmignano the center-ENTERING THE CODE OF ETHICS
PRATO - Restoring credibility to the policy and bring them to the public. In a moment of great embarrassment for the conduct of some of the leading representatives of the center-right National Party from Carmignano (Prato) a project to make it clear that not all politicians are the same and that the center-the ethics of those who represent it is What a night.
For this, the eve of forthcoming elections in the municipality Medici, an ethical code was signed by all parties that make up the center-left coalition that will support Doriano Cirri mayoral candidate. A code of ethics to ensure conditions of transparency, fairness and loyalty that the members take to the community, of the respective parties, politics and its joints and elective government. It 's the first case in Italy, at the suggestion of Pasquale Petrella and actively developed by Salvo Bold, respectively secretary and member of the provincial secretary of the Italia dei Valori di Prato, which will see the light in the council hall of Carmignano. A strong act and a gauntlet to the center-right parties to do likewise and to export at national level. The code of ethics drawn up following the details offered by other parties forming the coalition was signed by representatives of the Democratic Party (Ilaria Bugetti lending and Edward), Lista Di Pietro Italia dei Valori (Fabio Evangelisti and Unless Ardita), Freedom and Ecology of the Left (Petraglia and Roberta Alessia Zenaga), the Federation of the Left (Christian Stefano Panichi and Ferdinand) and the Italian Socialist Party (Alessandro Michelozzi) and of course the candidate for mayor, Doriano Cirri.
In summary, the Code establishes the commitment of the parties covered by it not to present candidates who have been convicted or have been indicted for crimes against public administration, against the administration of justice, extortion, usury, money and use of money of illegal origin, fraudulent transfer of values, illegal traffic in waste.
The code of practice will apply also appointed by the mayor. And to close, the document also includes a rule against nepotism so that the administration to take all appropriate measures to prevent reports of bribery in the same hierarchical structure between individuals linked by ties of consanguinity or affinity within the third degree, or are spouses or cohabiting. In this regard, the mayor is committed to publishing the register of each elected and appointed. Finally, the mayor is bound to give the fullest possible transparency in public procurement and subcontracting to avoid allocating tasks to others when it meets parental affinity with the directors of First Instance.
PRATO - Restoring credibility to the policy and bring them to the public. In a moment of great embarrassment for the conduct of some of the leading representatives of the center-right National Party from Carmignano (Prato) a project to make it clear that not all politicians are the same and that the center-the ethics of those who represent it is What a night.
For this, the eve of forthcoming elections in the municipality Medici, an ethical code was signed by all parties that make up the center-left coalition that will support Doriano Cirri mayoral candidate. A code of ethics to ensure conditions of transparency, fairness and loyalty that the members take to the community, of the respective parties, politics and its joints and elective government. It 's the first case in Italy, at the suggestion of Pasquale Petrella and actively developed by Salvo Bold, respectively secretary and member of the provincial secretary of the Italia dei Valori di Prato, which will see the light in the council hall of Carmignano. A strong act and a gauntlet to the center-right parties to do likewise and to export at national level. The code of ethics drawn up following the details offered by other parties forming the coalition was signed by representatives of the Democratic Party (Ilaria Bugetti lending and Edward), Lista Di Pietro Italia dei Valori (Fabio Evangelisti and Unless Ardita), Freedom and Ecology of the Left (Petraglia and Roberta Alessia Zenaga), the Federation of the Left (Christian Stefano Panichi and Ferdinand) and the Italian Socialist Party (Alessandro Michelozzi) and of course the candidate for mayor, Doriano Cirri.
In summary, the Code establishes the commitment of the parties covered by it not to present candidates who have been convicted or have been indicted for crimes against public administration, against the administration of justice, extortion, usury, money and use of money of illegal origin, fraudulent transfer of values, illegal traffic in waste.
The code of practice will apply also appointed by the mayor. And to close, the document also includes a rule against nepotism so that the administration to take all appropriate measures to prevent reports of bribery in the same hierarchical structure between individuals linked by ties of consanguinity or affinity within the third degree, or are spouses or cohabiting. In this regard, the mayor is committed to publishing the register of each elected and appointed. Finally, the mayor is bound to give the fullest possible transparency in public procurement and subcontracting to avoid allocating tasks to others when it meets parental affinity with the directors of First Instance.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Iphone How To Forward Text Messages
Pasquale Petrella, honored with the title of Knight of Repubbica ...
Why Is My Tractor Positive Ground
FIRST OF A CHINESE labor disputes, a case that can 'MAKE HISTORY
PRATO - Mei Xi Prato will go into history for being the first Chinese to have made a labor dispute against the company run by his fellow East. It 'a turning point that could trigger the almond-eyed twenty-nine. If other Chinese, now exploited and abused, they decide to follow her, soon the whole world of lawlessness in the community economic Eastern Europe could disappear or at least have a big jolt. Xi Mei
complained to the CGIL that his former employers, not only have fired on the spot as soon as he called for a period of injury in order to visit her children and her husband who remained in China but , although it was was taken up part-time contract, actually working up to fifteen hours a day for five hundred euro net paycheck and another four in black but with the obligation to pay its own contributions.
Many complained of irregularities against the company that took advantage of Chinese boxes. But now it is necessary that the trade unions and especially the City of Prato to give maximum assistance to this young East because this could be the key to unlock the underwater world of Chinese firms. Only if the people of China which is exploited and abused in Italy to understand that workers are protected only if they can understand that they have everything to gain by denouncing their employers who exploit them, then you will get results a thousand times greater than those related to simple repression carried out dall'amministrqazione's center.
rights education is a crucial step for the respect of the obligations. This is the right direction.
PRATO - Mei Xi Prato will go into history for being the first Chinese to have made a labor dispute against the company run by his fellow East. It 'a turning point that could trigger the almond-eyed twenty-nine. If other Chinese, now exploited and abused, they decide to follow her, soon the whole world of lawlessness in the community economic Eastern Europe could disappear or at least have a big jolt. Xi Mei
complained to the CGIL that his former employers, not only have fired on the spot as soon as he called for a period of injury in order to visit her children and her husband who remained in China but , although it was was taken up part-time contract, actually working up to fifteen hours a day for five hundred euro net paycheck and another four in black but with the obligation to pay its own contributions.
Many complained of irregularities against the company that took advantage of Chinese boxes. But now it is necessary that the trade unions and especially the City of Prato to give maximum assistance to this young East because this could be the key to unlock the underwater world of Chinese firms. Only if the people of China which is exploited and abused in Italy to understand that workers are protected only if they can understand that they have everything to gain by denouncing their employers who exploit them, then you will get results a thousand times greater than those related to simple repression carried out dall'amministrqazione's center.
rights education is a crucial step for the respect of the obligations. This is the right direction.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
How Towalk Up The Stairs With A Broken Leg
PRATO - Embarrassing. Dramatic, shameful and embarrassing. There are other terms to define the incredible situation that occurred this afternoon in the council hall of Prato, where three young women, former employees of a shop closed for several months to Sasch Rizziconi in Calabria, have intervened to demand their entitlements ( about eight thousand euro per head) to the Mayor of Prato, Robert Work, the major shareholder of the company's clothing that is in crisis.
Embarrassing Work for mayor entrepreneur, embarrassing for the image of Prato who came out and that tomorrow will be on all the media giving a negative view of our city.
And to this the final insult, like Italy of Values \u200b\u200bthat we feel even more disgraceful: the city council was present in a real claque in favor of the mayor who had the amazing ability to whistle and ashamed of the group leader Italy values, Aurelio Donzella, when he gave his sympathy to those three young women that have to absorb as a twelve-hour train to come asking for money for the work they have done in the shop entrepreneur and mayor of the Calabrian not yet collected. A shameful claque who clearly has no respect for people, has no respect for workers cheated by a contractor who used them until the last day of handing over the money received for making the last payment of the goods sold with the promise that would be used to pay their dues and instead found themselves abandoned and derided. An attitude that unfortunately it was also found on the banks of the center in the city council. But obviously this is the philosophy of those parties that make up the present majority, not even a little ' understanding of these three women who find themselves in big trouble with their families on salaries that Sascha and then place the mayor entrepreneur, has not paid to them.
How many situations like this now that the mayor farmer around the world? In many other councils we find in the embarrassing situation of having the mayor's creditors involved in the audience to demand their entitlements? As the mayor mud entrepreneur will be able to place drop on the first Prato Prato and understand that maybe this town does not deserve it? We hope you know
place to reflect and, above all, who can also reflect that the center that supports it because at stake is the credibility of a city and not just to place.
PRATO - Embarrassing. Dramatic, shameful and embarrassing. There are other terms to define the incredible situation that occurred this afternoon in the council hall of Prato, where three young women, former employees of a shop closed for several months to Sasch Rizziconi in Calabria, have intervened to demand their entitlements ( about eight thousand euro per head) to the Mayor of Prato, Robert Work, the major shareholder of the company's clothing that is in crisis.
Embarrassing Work for mayor entrepreneur, embarrassing for the image of Prato who came out and that tomorrow will be on all the media giving a negative view of our city.
And to this the final insult, like Italy of Values \u200b\u200bthat we feel even more disgraceful: the city council was present in a real claque in favor of the mayor who had the amazing ability to whistle and ashamed of the group leader Italy values, Aurelio Donzella, when he gave his sympathy to those three young women that have to absorb as a twelve-hour train to come asking for money for the work they have done in the shop entrepreneur and mayor of the Calabrian not yet collected. A shameful claque who clearly has no respect for people, has no respect for workers cheated by a contractor who used them until the last day of handing over the money received for making the last payment of the goods sold with the promise that would be used to pay their dues and instead found themselves abandoned and derided. An attitude that unfortunately it was also found on the banks of the center in the city council. But obviously this is the philosophy of those parties that make up the present majority, not even a little ' understanding of these three women who find themselves in big trouble with their families on salaries that Sascha and then place the mayor entrepreneur, has not paid to them.
How many situations like this now that the mayor farmer around the world? In many other councils we find in the embarrassing situation of having the mayor's creditors involved in the audience to demand their entitlements? As the mayor mud entrepreneur will be able to place drop on the first Prato Prato and understand that maybe this town does not deserve it? We hope you know
place to reflect and, above all, who can also reflect that the center that supports it because at stake is the credibility of a city and not just to place.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Merilyn Sakova Vintage Forum
PRATO - Reduce the costs of politics, optimize resources, find alternative routes, synergies and cheaper but with the goal of making more efficient action and concrete results. The elimination of Apt (Companies for tourism promotion) to respond to all these objectives and we support it fully.
Nevertheless some consideration it is right to avoid a good deal for the vast majority of the territories, could end up being detrimental to some reality or irrelevant for others. Given
we hope that does not mean the elimination of Apt also delete in one fell swoop the professionalism and valuable experience gained in them, the first question that arises is related to the fact that Tuscany to date have done little or nothing to encourage tourism, either because the local industrial economy has not felt the need, either because the residents have preferred to move into a niche in the economy linked to agricultural production and small. The great crisis of recent years has caused major upheavals in these situations and, perhaps for the first time, has increased the need to open up to new economic realities. And it is they who deserve our thoughts. Will the new structure regional (Tuscany Promotions) as it was designed to ensure that these realities can emerge? There will be scope to make reality so far virgin economy tourism can to be part with the proposals other than those already existing and therefore attractive outside? We will be in Tuscany Promotions sensitivity and professionalism aimed at understanding the needs and peculiarities of each individual in Tuscany and will not risk instead of the strongest tourist areas (such as Florence, Siena, Versilia and) do not even more than the lion's share going to fill the void of Apt with their already very active in business associations areas?
We believe and we absolutely hope so but because they open up new fronts is extremely necessary that we create synergies with local structures and prepared specifically addressed in the creation of paths that go to enhance the local and having in mind the idea of the end user in order to better reach and convince the goodness of their proposal.
We believe that all this work can not be borne only on the responsibility of provinces. This, especially those in government until the day before yesterday where no one has seen anything like tourism as a resource on which to focus for its development. The need to trust a person competent professionals is more than evident.
And therefore we feel that the proposal to move.
Region to establish criteria, put stakes through precise, and give great credit to the private consortium for the promotion of tourism that fall under those parameters. Consortia that may have more weight in front of the region as many companies fail to agree in the proposition put their projects. An element, that the amount of the associated companies, which may not be the only determining criterion in order not to penalize those situations where it is physically impossible to have large numbers of accommodation because physically not in the area.
The possibility of accrediting private consortia to meet the requirement that a party does not have costs for the government, the other would have trained professionals supermotivati \u200b\u200bencouraging tourism because their business is directly related to the number the attendance of project plans will be to bring in their areas of jurisdiction, and finally allow a large number of companies going online and work with the same objective by prescendire territorial limits, always in competition, but following the same lines Driving: (if you want to contribute a gastronomic journey to raise awareness of local products, for example, is clear and evident that all member companies will, in this project, gear up to ensure that the initiative succeeds.)
Encouraging the creation of such consortia, to help them in their projects deemed worthy, we believe it is a duty on the part of the Region.
We believe that promoting a territory can only take place with initiatives on the website of the Region. Today, type on any search engine the name of Tuscany, it means being bombarded with hundreds of entries and be able to reach the site of the Region is not always easy, not always we can not always follow it after a quick first touch. We must also get a view that there are only navigators experts and that sometimes the online visitor wants to be involved in the proposal which is enhanced by light photos, video, messages, contacts and, not to be underestimated, prices. Elements, especially the latter, only those on the land can provide and regularly update.
The tourist promotion of Tuscany can not be separated from direct contact with the territory, with its peculiarities and its needs. Tuscany is the land of the bell and as such may not be initiated and promoted with a unique proposal. Here the need to create a platform by the region on which each individual situation may put its own characteristics and value to contend worldwide.
Pasquale Petrella
Responsible Tourism Commission IDV Prato
PRATO - Reduce the costs of politics, optimize resources, find alternative routes, synergies and cheaper but with the goal of making more efficient action and concrete results. The elimination of Apt (Companies for tourism promotion) to respond to all these objectives and we support it fully.
Nevertheless some consideration it is right to avoid a good deal for the vast majority of the territories, could end up being detrimental to some reality or irrelevant for others. Given
we hope that does not mean the elimination of Apt also delete in one fell swoop the professionalism and valuable experience gained in them, the first question that arises is related to the fact that Tuscany to date have done little or nothing to encourage tourism, either because the local industrial economy has not felt the need, either because the residents have preferred to move into a niche in the economy linked to agricultural production and small. The great crisis of recent years has caused major upheavals in these situations and, perhaps for the first time, has increased the need to open up to new economic realities. And it is they who deserve our thoughts. Will the new structure regional (Tuscany Promotions) as it was designed to ensure that these realities can emerge? There will be scope to make reality so far virgin economy tourism can to be part with the proposals other than those already existing and therefore attractive outside? We will be in Tuscany Promotions sensitivity and professionalism aimed at understanding the needs and peculiarities of each individual in Tuscany and will not risk instead of the strongest tourist areas (such as Florence, Siena, Versilia and) do not even more than the lion's share going to fill the void of Apt with their already very active in business associations areas?
We believe and we absolutely hope so but because they open up new fronts is extremely necessary that we create synergies with local structures and prepared specifically addressed in the creation of paths that go to enhance the local and having in mind the idea of the end user in order to better reach and convince the goodness of their proposal.
We believe that all this work can not be borne only on the responsibility of provinces. This, especially those in government until the day before yesterday where no one has seen anything like tourism as a resource on which to focus for its development. The need to trust a person competent professionals is more than evident.
And therefore we feel that the proposal to move.
Region to establish criteria, put stakes through precise, and give great credit to the private consortium for the promotion of tourism that fall under those parameters. Consortia that may have more weight in front of the region as many companies fail to agree in the proposition put their projects. An element, that the amount of the associated companies, which may not be the only determining criterion in order not to penalize those situations where it is physically impossible to have large numbers of accommodation because physically not in the area.
The possibility of accrediting private consortia to meet the requirement that a party does not have costs for the government, the other would have trained professionals supermotivati \u200b\u200bencouraging tourism because their business is directly related to the number the attendance of project plans will be to bring in their areas of jurisdiction, and finally allow a large number of companies going online and work with the same objective by prescendire territorial limits, always in competition, but following the same lines Driving: (if you want to contribute a gastronomic journey to raise awareness of local products, for example, is clear and evident that all member companies will, in this project, gear up to ensure that the initiative succeeds.)
Encouraging the creation of such consortia, to help them in their projects deemed worthy, we believe it is a duty on the part of the Region.
We believe that promoting a territory can only take place with initiatives on the website of the Region. Today, type on any search engine the name of Tuscany, it means being bombarded with hundreds of entries and be able to reach the site of the Region is not always easy, not always we can not always follow it after a quick first touch. We must also get a view that there are only navigators experts and that sometimes the online visitor wants to be involved in the proposal which is enhanced by light photos, video, messages, contacts and, not to be underestimated, prices. Elements, especially the latter, only those on the land can provide and regularly update.
The tourist promotion of Tuscany can not be separated from direct contact with the territory, with its peculiarities and its needs. Tuscany is the land of the bell and as such may not be initiated and promoted with a unique proposal. Here the need to create a platform by the region on which each individual situation may put its own characteristics and value to contend worldwide.
Pasquale Petrella
Responsible Tourism Commission IDV Prato
Monday, January 10, 2011
Ariste Ring Scott Kay
UMBERTO BOSSI von Metternich
PRATO - Italy is not merely a geographical expression. He said in 1847 the Austrian foreign minister Klemens von Metternich and today it is reaffirming what appears to be his legitimate heir Umberto Bossi. And as against von Metternich and against the Austrians who occupied part of northern Italy rose the Piedmont, Lombardy and the Veneto, now is the time that the pride of all Italians take their distance from those who want to return to Italy to become a mere geographical expression. The celebrations of the hundred and fifty years of Italian unification can not be muddy from a party that is also the country's leader. If the Northern League and the League do not feel Italian, no longer feel represented by the flag have to do only one thing to change residence.
For the tricolor and the unification of Italy fought mainly Piedmontese, Lombards (remember the Five Days of Milan), but also the students arrived in Lombardy Pisa to drive away the oppressors in Austria, and then the expedition of the Thousand. History can not be changed and it hurts to think that those who descend from those who paid with his life to make Italy a single state, sovereign and indivisible, participating in wars of Independence, our glorious Renaissance, is now making efforts to make it again a mere geographical expression.
PRATO - Italy is not merely a geographical expression. He said in 1847 the Austrian foreign minister Klemens von Metternich and today it is reaffirming what appears to be his legitimate heir Umberto Bossi. And as against von Metternich and against the Austrians who occupied part of northern Italy rose the Piedmont, Lombardy and the Veneto, now is the time that the pride of all Italians take their distance from those who want to return to Italy to become a mere geographical expression. The celebrations of the hundred and fifty years of Italian unification can not be muddy from a party that is also the country's leader. If the Northern League and the League do not feel Italian, no longer feel represented by the flag have to do only one thing to change residence.
For the tricolor and the unification of Italy fought mainly Piedmontese, Lombards (remember the Five Days of Milan), but also the students arrived in Lombardy Pisa to drive away the oppressors in Austria, and then the expedition of the Thousand. History can not be changed and it hurts to think that those who descend from those who paid with his life to make Italy a single state, sovereign and indivisible, participating in wars of Independence, our glorious Renaissance, is now making efforts to make it again a mere geographical expression.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Before And After Brow Wax
The Northern League is a virus against the unification of Italy and Berlusconi and the PDL are accomplices
LAWN - The celebrations for the one hundred and fifty years of the unification of Italy there are being discovered, if ever proof were needed, which unfortunately is a virus that is spreading and is infecting many Italians with the objective of destroying the unity cost so many lives.
The virus is the Northern League who never misses a chance to show his hand secessionist and disruptive to separate the North from the rest of Italy. And what's worse is that those who unfortunately that party if he keeps it to friend only to have the power, does not know the evil that is doing to Italy and Italians. The prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has not been seen in any of the celebrations held by the President of the Republic. An unjustified absence, embarrassing, and that unfortunately ends up even more credit to all those in the green shirt who want to distort the history, the Risorgimento and creating annihilate Padania. How can the Tuscans (fortunately still a few) vote for this party Lega Nord Padania when it ends with the river Po? How can the Tuscans and the Italians in the south of the river to vote a party that governs the Roman power to preserve only the North? The funds for storm damage in late 2010 for the province of Massa Carrara and Lucca are not there, but those for the flood in the Veneto region has been allocated the next day. How can we continue to subsidize and support with the votes a party that believed not to divide and to unite, who thinks of a superior race (the one north of Italy) and bottom (all the rest of Italy)? But history has taught us nothing?
The virus is eradicated by an effective vaccine. The President of the Republic was clear the flag to be respected and defended. Green, white and red as we have worn and wear it all the young people who pay with their lives for it and love for the homeland. The Northern League is the virus against the unification of Italy, but Berlusconi and PDL are accomplices and co-responsible. Now more than ever Italians must be able to wake up. You can not even give credit to the party that is cheating his own electorate of Northern Ireland with demagogic promises. Who does not want federalism? It 'the same center, or the Northern League and PDL in Parliament because they did not want to have the numbers to do so and instead engaged in a Greek play to make and unmake the day and night, blaming others. That federalism seems to be the same story of the conflict of interest that would be faced with the center when he found himself in power. The center does not have fully understood the importance, has not covered and then paid the high price, now is the center that despite the numbers to do so is not able to complete the federal and then it is right that the Italians, especially those in the north, punish him by not giving more confidence to that party that fills the mouth of federalism but really think about something else. Thieving Rome? Yes, but there are the PDL and the Northern League to eat for years now.
LAWN - The celebrations for the one hundred and fifty years of the unification of Italy there are being discovered, if ever proof were needed, which unfortunately is a virus that is spreading and is infecting many Italians with the objective of destroying the unity cost so many lives.
The virus is the Northern League who never misses a chance to show his hand secessionist and disruptive to separate the North from the rest of Italy. And what's worse is that those who unfortunately that party if he keeps it to friend only to have the power, does not know the evil that is doing to Italy and Italians. The prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has not been seen in any of the celebrations held by the President of the Republic. An unjustified absence, embarrassing, and that unfortunately ends up even more credit to all those in the green shirt who want to distort the history, the Risorgimento and creating annihilate Padania. How can the Tuscans (fortunately still a few) vote for this party Lega Nord Padania when it ends with the river Po? How can the Tuscans and the Italians in the south of the river to vote a party that governs the Roman power to preserve only the North? The funds for storm damage in late 2010 for the province of Massa Carrara and Lucca are not there, but those for the flood in the Veneto region has been allocated the next day. How can we continue to subsidize and support with the votes a party that believed not to divide and to unite, who thinks of a superior race (the one north of Italy) and bottom (all the rest of Italy)? But history has taught us nothing?
The virus is eradicated by an effective vaccine. The President of the Republic was clear the flag to be respected and defended. Green, white and red as we have worn and wear it all the young people who pay with their lives for it and love for the homeland. The Northern League is the virus against the unification of Italy, but Berlusconi and PDL are accomplices and co-responsible. Now more than ever Italians must be able to wake up. You can not even give credit to the party that is cheating his own electorate of Northern Ireland with demagogic promises. Who does not want federalism? It 'the same center, or the Northern League and PDL in Parliament because they did not want to have the numbers to do so and instead engaged in a Greek play to make and unmake the day and night, blaming others. That federalism seems to be the same story of the conflict of interest that would be faced with the center when he found himself in power. The center does not have fully understood the importance, has not covered and then paid the high price, now is the center that despite the numbers to do so is not able to complete the federal and then it is right that the Italians, especially those in the north, punish him by not giving more confidence to that party that fills the mouth of federalism but really think about something else. Thieving Rome? Yes, but there are the PDL and the Northern League to eat for years now.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Why Do Sore Throats Hurt More At Night Time
SECURITY, THE MILITARY TIME is running out and the problems are unresolved
LAWN - The time of the military in Prato is about to expire and now it is right to thank all those guys in uniform who made us company through the streets of the center in all these past eighteen months. Young soldiers with little expertise in this area of \u200b\u200bpublic order and security because much more trained for scenarios binding, they did their full duty by the citizens feel safe. They gave the best of their professionalism in performing a task perhaps unwelcome preferred, we believe, to those scenarios Afghan Prato. They deserve the thanks of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin the hope that never again in the future should be to sacrifice their dignity to satisfy some populist political choices.
And after thanking those who have put the face with seriousness and commitment, we can not go to make an assessment on whether or not their use in our city, and then the choice whether or not those who gave them to politically speaking ported. The budget we do it through the data provided by the police in Prato on the state of crime in our city in 2010, compared with those provided by the police headquarters in Florence and on to the capital of Tuscany where the military was not used. According to these data, given just before Christmas, there was a decrease in Prato by about 11 percent of the crimes, but an increase for the robbery, the acts of violence and theft in homes. In Florence, the number of crimes fell by 15 percent, an increase for the acts of violence and theft in homes. It seems incredible but in Florence the percentage of crimes has fallen more than in Prato, where every day dozens of soldiers were deployed along with police officers and police, but in the general context was increased by the same for those types of serious crime. So what conclusions can we draw? The first is that the political decision of City of Prato has been guided by the center in this bankruptcy case: the presence of a non-military means has resulted in a decrease in crime, the other has committed hundreds of thousands of euro to pay additional allowances to soldiers, public money that could be used to provide other services or more simply, as called Italy of Values, to hire more police officers, financiers and police investigations should be devoted to investigation in order to prevent the commission of serious crimes . Security is a serious problem that you can not deal with the spot, pulling the wool over the eyes of the citizens who have been deceived by false promises during the election campaign and deceived with the presence of the military that was supposed to solve every problem. The year-end statistics say that the thefts have increased in homes and then there are thousands of families who have been robbing their homes. Although the robberies and murders have increased. We may feel safer with the policy of the military road made by the center? No, we thank the soldiers that we have tried hard, but we were calmer than they were a year and a half ago. In fact now, with the departure of the military, we feel even more at risk because the resources spent on the military are over and the police are increasingly understaffed. Now more than ever the council should put pressure on the Government to the security organs for the third largest city in central Italy (after Rome and Florence), has what is needed not only for the number of police officers, police and financiers, but also for staff and judges of the Court. Another front that it creates concern for the administration of justice and thus legal certainty. If it had already invested eighteen months ago on these two fronts instead of experiencing the spot propaganda, perhaps we really had more security and more Justice.
So the question of whether cities are served in the military, the answer can only be one: no.

LAWN - The time of the military in Prato is about to expire and now it is right to thank all those guys in uniform who made us company through the streets of the center in all these past eighteen months. Young soldiers with little expertise in this area of \u200b\u200bpublic order and security because much more trained for scenarios binding, they did their full duty by the citizens feel safe. They gave the best of their professionalism in performing a task perhaps unwelcome preferred, we believe, to those scenarios Afghan Prato. They deserve the thanks of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin the hope that never again in the future should be to sacrifice their dignity to satisfy some populist political choices.
And after thanking those who have put the face with seriousness and commitment, we can not go to make an assessment on whether or not their use in our city, and then the choice whether or not those who gave them to politically speaking ported. The budget we do it through the data provided by the police in Prato on the state of crime in our city in 2010, compared with those provided by the police headquarters in Florence and on to the capital of Tuscany where the military was not used. According to these data, given just before Christmas, there was a decrease in Prato by about 11 percent of the crimes, but an increase for the robbery, the acts of violence and theft in homes. In Florence, the number of crimes fell by 15 percent, an increase for the acts of violence and theft in homes. It seems incredible but in Florence the percentage of crimes has fallen more than in Prato, where every day dozens of soldiers were deployed along with police officers and police, but in the general context was increased by the same for those types of serious crime. So what conclusions can we draw? The first is that the political decision of City of Prato has been guided by the center in this bankruptcy case: the presence of a non-military means has resulted in a decrease in crime, the other has committed hundreds of thousands of euro to pay additional allowances to soldiers, public money that could be used to provide other services or more simply, as called Italy of Values, to hire more police officers, financiers and police investigations should be devoted to investigation in order to prevent the commission of serious crimes . Security is a serious problem that you can not deal with the spot, pulling the wool over the eyes of the citizens who have been deceived by false promises during the election campaign and deceived with the presence of the military that was supposed to solve every problem. The year-end statistics say that the thefts have increased in homes and then there are thousands of families who have been robbing their homes. Although the robberies and murders have increased. We may feel safer with the policy of the military road made by the center? No, we thank the soldiers that we have tried hard, but we were calmer than they were a year and a half ago. In fact now, with the departure of the military, we feel even more at risk because the resources spent on the military are over and the police are increasingly understaffed. Now more than ever the council should put pressure on the Government to the security organs for the third largest city in central Italy (after Rome and Florence), has what is needed not only for the number of police officers, police and financiers, but also for staff and judges of the Court. Another front that it creates concern for the administration of justice and thus legal certainty. If it had already invested eighteen months ago on these two fronts instead of experiencing the spot propaganda, perhaps we really had more security and more Justice.
So the question of whether cities are served in the military, the answer can only be one: no.
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