Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cherry Popping Symptoms



Pablo PICASSO The Acrobats

The "Operational Programme 2010" the Abruzzo Region (Baraldi-Nails) could be an opportunity to upgrade the regional health systems, if only he had actually obeyed the epidemiology of Abruzzo citizens rather than only to the economic and financial requirements dictated by the imperative need to break even the 2010 budget.

This has upset the time schedule of operations, putting the cuts in beds and conversion of small hospitals to the true structure of interventions in the area, starting with the network of emergency-urgency.
And 'certainly appreciated the fact that for the first time AUSL , at least on paper, organize themselves as "true" Companies , after more than 15 years by the Legislative Decree no. 502/92, with targets and related indicators of outcome.
We note, however, that the Operational Programme 2010 is not in the right direction, ie one that sees the patient at the center of the healthcare system!
must radically revise all the mechanisms of power , "colorful" that generated waste and inefficiency . E 'come forward to claim a Health Quality , making our contribution and constructive developing more critical than the reality we live every day, both as consumers and as workers.

e-mail: sosinformazione@gmail.com