Federalism Prato-yes, no federalism. Tuscany would know for sure this challenge and bring to a close with a victory but it is easy to predict that the debate will go on for much longer no matter what you decide in that situation, the Parliament.
issues of federalism and fiscal federalism, municipal, as proposed by the Northern League, which is doing a battle cry for his political credibility, impose a very serious reflection and, above all, a balance that now exists in Italian center-right and center just because one was never created as a split so bitter and irreconcilable essentially linked to the figure of a president of the Council of Ministers increasingly untenable.
Italy of Values \u200b\u200bhas already spoken by President Antonio Di Pietro to be in favor of federalism, but also reiterated that say no to what the Northern League is trying to bring forward. To realize the federalism we need a great turnout and an understanding bipartisa, otherwise it could be a tool aimed only at creating tensions between rich and poor areas. Not to be conceived in these terms must meet several requirements: it must maintain balance on one side and joined the fabric of the country and the other unit that would strengthen the autonomy and accountability of the ruling classes and local municipal one part should ensure the equality of citizens in access to essential services and the other to respect the autonomy of the regions in determining the level of performance in relation to competition, according to their fiscal capacity, a vehicle must be part of national policies geared towards common goals of development and the other being an instrument of exploiting the opportunities of local systems. It 's more than obvious, therefore, that the balance that federalism and fiscal federalism must ensure municipal are so many that the Decree 292 as proposed and imposed, could - with a mismanagement - to create tension and split among Italy a rich North and poor South.
Fiscal federalism according to Italy of Values \u200b\u200bis right when asked to municipalities and their directors liability costs Relate revenue. We must state that transfers are no longer commensurate with the historical spending but to the standard cost. Until now it was the centralized state that it had paid to the different fiscal capacity per capita. But the state appears to be a "good father" in time proved to be a stepfather because bureaucracy have ballooned, growing up to become real obstacles for the same needs of citizens. In addition, spatial uniformity of benefits is not paid an equal uniformity in the efficiency of services provided. A reorganization of the State to the Regions and local authorities seem so dutiful.
Tuscany could benefit greatly a fully fledged federalism fact that it requires. Our region by a party may rely on an economy of a medium-high level, the other in the vast majority of local governments already efficient, and ultimately to a population that knows how to roll up our sleeves so as not to live in a welfare state. If we add that the document of the Conference of Regions (February 2007) which is used in the preparation of the key 292 of the Decree stated that "regions should assume the role of coordination and regulation of local authority financing" and that to reduce differences about the capacity per capita on the national territory is expected to determine an equalization fund the DL 292 up to a maximum of 5 years, then you understand how easy it can be in Tuscany with the use of this tool (unless properly funded) to take off even the less developed areas. So
federalism can be a great opportunity, a challenge would know that Tuscany complete with a win. But it is not the time and that proposed by the Northern League should be rejected, if only, as claimed by President Di Pietro, to give a final blow to Berlusconi as the Northern League kept alive only for this government to approve the federalism .
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