LAWN - On March 17, next will be celebrated in an official one hundred and fifty years of Italian unification. It will be a national holiday and will be an opportunity to confirm that Italy is one, one and indivisible. A moment very important to feel all Italians from the Alps to the island of Pantelleria. It would be nice if the elected representatives of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin municipalities, provinces and the Regional Council of Tuscany, a motion to request that the government did it for a campaign promoting the visibility of the flag. But a symbolic act of great impact as it does for the World Cup.
So the first point we could propose the replacement of all the flags in front of schools, offices, agencies .... with new flags. On the second point could be asked to give the flags to all those traders, especially the old towns, who want to decorate their windows with the flag on horseback during the week of 17 March. And then invite all citizens to display the flag in the windows of their homes, even from the early days of March in order to get to 17 with the very idea of \u200b\u200ba newfound sense of belonging to a nation, a country that has struggled so much for its unity. A strong message against those who do think that Italy should return to being a mere geographical expression.
Italy of Values \u200b\u200badvocates for the new Renaissance in Italy and Tuscany with the colors green, white and red.
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