Sunday, November 21, 2010

Belly Button Pain 34weeks


When a distinguished guest is not enough ...

Album name: Nightmare
Label: Warner
Bros Records Release Date: July 27, 2010
Genre: Alternative Metal / Heavy Metal


Avenged Sevenfold . Only to pronounce the name of the American band, three quarters of the population Italian metalheads feel shivers of disgust and contempt. It seems, in fact, that the good old American boys are particularly despised in our country, perhaps for that trend their fashionable and image, which wants to represent them as emo-metal-core band. And maybe, just a bit 'are parties with a couple of albums of metalcore, if you like, teen, melodic, pimp and biting, often supported by heavy brackets punk-hardcore (hear the song Streets to get an idea). After then, metal album is not essential for people, but still valid, they surprise in 2005 with City Of Evil: truly remarkable album, that begins to mix metal more "mature" a lot of class and technical ability with a usual emo-glam -punk. The successor is the namesake of 2007, trying to follow in the footsteps of the very good predecessor, without, however, able to enchant the right way. And now, after the recent and untimely death of the excellent drummer The Rev, the band returns with this swinging Nightmare album dedicated to the memory of that failure drummer. Who are they, then, Avenged Sevenfold in 2010? American conviction of having a band behind a glorious success, but that does not appear to ever be able to shine as it might. In fact, this new birth record seems to confirm this: there are songs that are included, since the first listening, too wasteful and pretentious, almost like a constant search, forcibly, of a riff that face shot of who can be catchy. Riff, however, is slow to arrive, or get better and not enter, thereby reducing the disc to a mass of many (bad) ideas badly blended together. Something good There is undeniable, but it seems already that good creative flow of the band has sold out with the first 3 albums. I hope to be wrong, because the band is technically valid and may be able to surprise us again, which, frankly, has failed to do in this new album along. Let us now precise analysis of the disk.

Track By Track:

The album begins, paradoxically, with one of the best songs of the platters, good title track "Nightmare" . Good slow start, with dark melodies and decadent, that leads immediately into a heavy and slow riffs thrash matrix-Southern. The chorus is melodic and spot on. Excellent central interludes and solos seasoned this song, which, though not anything that makes a miracle, undeniably gives hope for a good return of the band. However, from now on, the expectations will be denied. In fact, already with the next "Welcome To The Family" , one can see few ideas and no bite. The pace is still committed to a mid-tempo, and soon see a pimp and melodic chorus, almost collegial punk-oriented, "as many times we find in their discography. Although the piece is pretty obvious, you can listen. The first true and complete flop is as follows "Danger Line" : Do not leave any room for interesting ideas or some well-arranged solution. Everything sounds so utterly trivial, and dragged and without a hint of emotion. Embarrassing and decidedly out of place the piano interlude (appearing even the trumpets!), Which continues until the end of the song. What's more, the vocal lines of M. Shadows make it even flatter. In short, a piece of dull and insignificant. And the time of the first (semi) ballad of the album: "Buried Alive" . As regards the structure of the song, it almost seems that the band wants to rebuild the legendary One and Fade To Black of Metallica. In fact, we have a very good first part melodic, slow, sweet, and inspired arpeggios, accompanied by a chorus distorted more energetic. Too bad that, in this case, the next part of "metal" is somewhat 'predictable, monotonous and with little imagination, coming to deprive the entire story of the label of "good song". The next "Natural Born Killer" is the song faster and thrasheggiante disk. A song in the classic style Avenged. A good start, as well as in the solo guitar arrangement, but otherwise is a succession, once again, the (few) good insights mixed, with no apparent logic, other confused. One song, then, that could be developed in a manner far more inspired. Rather insipid the next melodic ballad "So Far Away" : Once again, we face a song that, although losing to listen, hide the good ideas that seem, unfortunately lazy, not being able to explode and be assertive. We are witnessing a revival in the end, but its contribution is not enough to fully appreciate this one episode swinging. An elementary introduction of clean guitar introduces us to "God Hates Us" , which explodes into a fast riff and bad. In this song reappears in the old growl M. Shadows abandoned after the first two discs. The song continues on track thrash-core American-style (at times, it almost seems that the band trying to ape the Panther, with seizures of bland guitar), representing an episode only managed sufficiently and, ultimately, rather than an end in same and insignificant, to restore the fortunes of the disc. As if what we have heard so far were not enough, the band we propina well after 3 (!) More slow songs, the quality of which is challenged by ideas and often drag trivial: it seems as if the band is exhausted and convinced had given to his own people all the best that could offer, so pulling out of the songs absolutely tired and pale. The terrible triptych consists of: 1 - "Victim" , too melodic, drags on for longer than 7 minutes and 30 seconds, not adding anything new to disc, if not further evidence that the band is a considerable lack of good ideas. The mold of the song is almost geared up for a soft-pop-rock radio. Yet another misstep very negligible. 2 - "The World Dies Tonight" leans wearily along the lines of the previous track. Needless to say, come to this boredom prevail over any small hope to hear something really good. 3 - "Fiction" , really strange and unusual piece. This is a song written by the late drummer The Rev, piano completely, at times agonizing, scores between pop, and other parts darker. Ok, Avenged dear, we admire the courage to risk putting a song so special, but the problem is inserting it into a tracklist already thoroughly undermined and unnecessary, even after two consecutive ballad. But beyond this, the real problem is that the song is absolutely inconclusive and, like many others, is lost in his inconsistency, and concludes the dance leaves a bad taste in my mouth. We are in the end, the last song of the album: the long (11 minutes in length) "Save Me" . Finally, a good song, which, incredibly, it hits and not tired. But now (and thankfully) we are at the end of this long drive. The suite, in its length, finally shows very good ideas. Heavier pieces alternate with parts and almost symphonic scores in the classic sound of the group. Significant acceleration in the solos, followed closely by a part where we hear a Mike Portnoy finally inspired, that very much recalls his personal way of playing in Dream Theater. A slower and inspired the final song closes the entire album. Too bad the rest of the album is not up to this last episode.

Techniques and Concluding remarks:

Here we are at the end of this hard disk. One thing worth noting: the host (right now, apparently, fixed component) selected to replace the regret The Rev on drums, Mike Portnoy is already very well known for her performances in progster Dream Theater (which certainly need no introduction). Who knows Portnoy knows that he has no problems to relate to the playing of the late The Rev, who was still a great drummer, with high technical quality and taste. But it must be said, the performance Mike, on this record, it is absolutely worthy of his fame and his own abilities. Perhaps he expected much more. Another demerit of note, as mentioned, goes to singer M. Shadows: her voice does not shine a particular skill, but winning on the charismatic. It 's a dirty distinctive voice, high-cut and "sleazy" (what I mean?), But lies, unfortunately, on the vocal lines often flat, monotonous and ultimately very repetitive. That said, the key remains the most painful of heavy rock songwriting, as already mentioned, confusing and lacking in good invention. So much so that even over there I could not define a genre precise, channeling all in an eloquent but, alas, dispersive "heavy metal" (basically, everything comes from there, no?). For the rest of the band travels on a good production, excellent technical levels, such as the lead guitarist Synyster Gates, or the above-mentioned special guest Mike Portnoy (no need to remember that technically is a monster?). The cover image is of course very interesting and appropriate to the title, but not enough to revive a hard fragile, so as not enough just 3 or 4 good songs out of eleven tracks in total. We must have more confidence in the band, is to be hoped that the heads are going one more than they should (or more than they have already done), and manage to pull off a quality job than this Nightmare, who sincerely believe in the future rarely turn on my mp3 player. While waiting for the turn, I return to listen to me ... or maybe City Of Evil, Dream Theater.


01. Nightmare
02. Welcome To The Family
03. Danger Line
04. Buried Alive
05. Natural Born Killer
06. So Far Away
07. God Hates Us
08. Victim
09. Tonight The World Dies
10. Fiction
11. Save Me

Voto: 5,5/10


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