What does the law say?
The law provides for the conclusion of a sort of individual contract through certification of the employment relationship in which one can enter conditions other than those contracts. we introduce a new form of arbitration , which assigns the any disputes no longer an employment tribunal but to an arbitration that can decide without regard to laws and contracts .
All this without that decision at the time of the employee knows what it is and without any right of reconsideration. limits are expected to judicial disqualification, and a regime unfavorable to the worker, so clears safeguards created to protect the most weak, ie the worker.
It introduces the apprenticeship contract from 15 years of age thus circumventing,
same time, the 16 years that until now were old enough to fulfill the obligation education and access work. There are additional rules penalize the public work.
If the most vulnerable to the consequences of this set of rules unconstitutional will be young, unemployed, women and immigrants, it is clear the damage caused to all workers.
Rome, 20 October 2010
Press Fabrizio Fratini, National Secretary FP-CGIL
Linked work deconstructs the national contract to continue the protests and actions against
Yesterday, the House finally adopted the draft Law No 1141 c , better known as Linked Work . A text that deals a painful blow to the system of rights and protections , starting from ' arbitration, providing for the pronouncement of the worker when the weaker its position. It is not difficult to imagine the blackmail and pressure which will be submitted to the worker, especially in this negative economic situation . Rather than propose
active policies on employment, income support to workers involved in crisis or unemployed, a real development policy in all areas (based on research, innovation, lifelong learning), continue on a road that as a clear objective passing of the law 300 of May 20, 1970 (the Workers' Statute) , that aims to replace the Statute of the work of Minister Sacconi.
The design is clear: fewer rights and protections, exceeded national collective agreements work, return to a conception of work as a simple factor of production and, through an apprenticeship at 15 years and the Counter-Gelmini a school class.
For these reasons, after the sit-in yesterday in the House, efforts to combat, mobilization, contrast, will continue and intensify.

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