The judges of the Supreme Court, with un'interessate ruling last November (No. 43822/2009) have established that the parent, even if it falls from parental authority, is obliged to pay maintenance to the child.
You want to remember that the decay involves those cases where the parent is "no interest" of children, and then lost parental authority, why not having a stronger voice in chapter on everything related to the child (education, visitation rights, health of the child).
The same is likely, therefore, a criminal conviction unless it complies with the obligation imposed by the court during the separation.
stoats, specifically have held that "the decline of the power of the children, pursuant to art. 330 cc civil court ruling against the parent who abused or neglected the duties inherent to it or abusing their powers with serious injury of a child is a punitive measure which, based on the same assumptions, the work plan on civil law, with relieve the defaulting parent the power of representation and administration of their son and legal usufruct on the property in question, aimed at his upbringing and education, in parallel to the penalties prescribed by the Penal Code art. 570 cp back verbatim to anyone who evades the obligations of assistance relating to parental responsibility. It follows that a deprivation of parental rights does not affect the duties of a parent deprived of assistance, criminal penalties, so that the measure does not affect the criminal responsibility and, therefore, does not preclude the commission of the offense under Article. 570, first and second paragraphs, no. pen. and does not come less permanence.
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