by ItaliaOggi
The money put aside during il matrimonio e poi investiti in immobili intestati a uno solo dei coniugi (in regime di separazione legale) andranno divisi a metà in sede di divorzio, a prescindere dalle rispettive professioni. Ciò a meno che uno dei due non riesca a provare che il suo contributo economico è stato esclusivo. Lo ha stabilito la Corte di cassazione che, con la sentenza n. 3479 del 15 febbraio 2010, ha accolto il ricorso di un marito che chiedeva almeno la metà delle somme di denaro spese per acquistare e migliorare degli immobili. Insomma chiedeva la metà delle «riserve finanziarie» investite.
Il caso. Durante il matrimonio erano riusciti a mettere by a bit 'of money, the couple had made, that is, a financial reserve. The money had been invested. The two, who had chosen the legal separation, had bought the property (payable only to his wife) and had restored the others. From what is being rebuilt in the sentence it seems that the wife had contributed to investment. But after the separation of the houses had been left to the woman. He had requested their return, arguing that the header of her property was merely "fictitious", probably chosen for tax reasons. But the Court rejected the application of Monza. The decision was upheld by the Court of Appeal of Milan. Against this decision the man has used submitting to the Supreme Court two questions. By the first called for the purchase of property ownership because, he argued, the header to his former wife was only notional. In the second, had demanded the money back, served the financial reserves to purchase the apartments. The Board upheld the legality of part of the second cause of action, recognizing the husband half of the money invested.
Reasons: emerges from the grounds that even if the property is only payable to a spouse under a separation, the other half can not get good, but half of the money if the owner does not prove that the purchase was made solely by him. The principle that emerges from the award may be summed up as meaning that in case of divorce of spouses (who have chosen the separation of property) it appears to the ownership of movable and immovable, made payable to one of the spouses, of whom none of they will be able to demonstrate the exclusive purchasing. Therefore, if the demand for refund of amounts allocated to a purchase of goods, the spouse claimant is entitled to a refund at least half the amount requested. In reviewing the substantive decisions, stoats have argued that "the territorial Court shared the belief the court of first instance as to the absence of proof by the husband of its sole property in favor of the monies allocated to the acquisition, maintenance, renovation and improvements of these properties, for failing to provide the appellant any indication of the funds used for payments, and it was found, moreover, that his wife had been involved, albeit to a lesser extent, to the satisfaction of family needs and education of financial reserves make up the funding of the subsequent investment. "
Well, then added the Board, that being said, if by first explains the rejection of application for refund of full amount of money requested by the husband, "the other is unfit to understand the reasons why such application was not accepted only half of the entire amount, since considerations expressed by the court of appeal in order to rival women's financial contribution to the establishment of family assets of such spouses would consistently lead to the conclusion to believe, in the absence of specific evidence of a different sign, the existence of a situation of joint ownership between the Parties on the money in question. " In this sense it is right to recall her husband's art. 219, Civil Code, with regard to cases of separation of property between the spouses provides a rebuttable presumption of ownership to movable property of which none are able to prove sole ownership. "