Notice is hereby given to all employees concerned that on May 11, 2010, in implementation of Resolution No. 444 of 06.05.2010, it is been called a internal notice for the appointment of the functions of "organizational position" :
Coordination training functions of the nursing staff at Pescara
"Value of permanent employment as a Professional Employee Health Nurse LE Super Expert (cat. Ds) or Professional Employee Health Nurse (category D).
Deadline: 26/05/2010
For information contact: Office of Human Resources, Monday through Friday from 11 am to 13 (tel. 085 4253061).
The CGIL considers it its duty to contribute to the dissemination of news like this, for two basic reasons:
- The information will make any process more transparent and democratic, allowing employees to exercise most of their rights.
- Our company has had the opportunity to better understand the potential and skills "hidden" within its human resources.