Monday, July 23, 2007
Get An Erection During Male Prostate Exam
Talkin 'bout a Wedding
was July 21 .. .. It was 4 o'clock in the afternoon and it was pretty hot ..
<*span class="fullpost">
* Not much to say, there would indeed too much to say, so for me I only remember a few details:
-I entered the church on the arm of my mother, I walk slowly and to my left I see the same faces with different views from the usual happy, maybe even proud. . then I look back to reality and seeing Diso swinging his head like saying "here is this .. no!"
-I leave the church, usually rice, small rocks hard (the erect penis-shaped pasta that is then swept out by the church sexton) e.. TRUMPETS FROM STAGE! priceless!
-we are moving in the car, the couple in the back seat and driving .. Charles is no traffic and beautiful Carlo: "I'll OOEAAUUH .." and pulls out the trumpet stage out of the window by Corso Sardegna pale street partying that leaves us just as our step-
forgot: just before leaving the church FdM comes up to me and say, "In between, there are in my bag house keys, salts to pick up the guitar, but please do yourself and get out now ... I wish someone would write something about what has happened as a result of this gesture (and also tell me where are the lights of the bathroom mirror)
-now we Villa Spinola, Sonya's father runs the patio (or whatever the fuck you call the place where they served a drink) with the trumpet in hand, celebrating a stadium in the manner of the English district of Naples and the daughter takes it for Fabio an arm, saying: "Oh no .. but if you do that I must rebuked" .. I have no words ..
I would a thousand .. and all .. but I am leaving the word to my wife (yes, since yesterday, so they say) .. one thing: Thank you all .. it's always nice to be the worst!
God damn you people that have made me slam on Sunday (and sooner or later I should tell you ... it was time to vent!). However, I also thank you ... and you say "a trivial and obvious." Okay, it's true. But we have passed a wonderful day. And when we return from our honeymoon we celebrate again .... we say that any excuse is good!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Sony Network Camera Snc–m1
But NEW SCHOOL is always ready to raise the challenge
... actually launch the challenge here than bad luck ... ... launches
at the suggestion of the brave ... I look EFFE link
Monday, July 16, 2007
How To Get Rid Of Red Marks After Waxing
(gets out of hand ... even abroad)
(gets out of hand ... even abroad)

(photos of the event here:
GENOA, July 5, 2007
Also this time, and could not be otherwise, there is gets out of hand. X Come on order ...
The occasion is one of those not to miss: there is to celebrate the bachelor SDEEE, not any one. You have to find something special .... The minds of the perverse GonfiSampierdarena are thus give birth to unhealthy idea ... on the road to Mecca: AMSTERDAM.
After three weeks of intense preparation and various bosse to deflect the groom here comes the start. Fabio and James, recovered half of the massacre, a nine seater Opel Vivaro monstrously hired by Genovarent with the modest deposit of 700 €, collect the unsuspecting Verdino the house. The latter, surprised to see the coach that will take him to the place (he yet unknown) of the last bastion of single life, screwed up eyes and exclaims, "Shit, you're crazy." Pride salt already skyrocketing. Piazza
mountain as always is the meeting place of departure: all come in dribs and drabs, including a beautiful King Charles as the best magus tradition, brings the gift of a chopped ganja. At that point, also steps in and handing Ste Zeudi a patch with flowers, shouting: "you keep it that this is always better to have it!" Meanwhile, the groom is always safer to go to celebrate the Celtika, where the elves are waiting in the woods that bugger, you cock-suckers, midgets gay and promiscuous mating of animals. The folklore of waiting
note is pre-departure personified in Asia (Mariano) that passes between four and six times bragging theft of her purse by the Talisman and probably can not do by supporting the complaint because the police had closed: this is also Sampierdarena.
Ore 21.00: Finally the wait is over, the engine starts and off you go. Fabio is driving, and fits in any collegiate chorus like "your wife is fucking stupid" always a good omen for a wedding and the most disturbing "if we make a step only the driver dies." Oh well ... First stop: Autogrill Campora (10 km run on 1200). Dining a must. Serravalle height of the discovery:
Diso: "Do but you know it's true that there is also the sixth ..? "
Fabio slyly inserted the alleged additional brands that magically .. there .. Obviously
curses were not counted. Verdino begins to get suspicious, noting that the road is not one for the gaypride of Mordor, but a healthy exchange of insults between the bombers and all the silt Gigo. You arrive in Switzerland: the thoughts of the master are now in a three days by the lake of Lugano, also because of the bare-chested photo of Fabio that he had brought with them as hand baggage, are at the thoughts of Fomes incontinent than classic "Oh raga .. I have to pee" and all this will matter .. all right if they will. You exit the highway and stop for a pee long lake between the pomp worthy of the Sultan of Brunei during the celebrations in honor of fucking do not know which European Regent Seven fools fall as bears spotted in the desert of Djibouti in order to fulfill their needs. And this revelation: wear the shirts of the festival and in the background with New Trolls LETTER FROM AMSTERDAM finally reveals the real reason for the trip.
happy as kids at the carnival will again.
The night is long and the journey ahead, but the troops did not lose heart. First pitch named after a saint in case here is the first change of leadership: Fabio comes and goes Diso, happy to take on the journey from the tunnel in Switzerland consisting of the above step and a vast number of sites. We arrive in Germany and when you start treatment without driving the speed limit changes to Christ, not before a stop at a motorway service excellent kraut. In the square we welcome a coach of German whores and Fomes quickly lose control, but miraculously falls into the ranks eating sandwiches and drinking shit.
Another 300 miles and it's up to James to take us to Holland, while the night is over and unfortunately the people wake up singing a chorus of unwarranted slander. In and around Amsterdam Ste
is passed within three seats of the head: it is his first to put his head in the Municipality of Amsterdam. The road runs
pleasant and a bit 'Dutch until you realize that nobody knows where the hell is the camp prudently booked from Cri. The Diso like Tom-Tom takes us up to the nearest exit and then suffered delirium. Rumors going to cry right (why?): Needless to say the right direction would prove the other. However, thanks to the superb driving 50x30 cm you get to your destination! Are 11.00, those 14 hours have passed and only then travel Lantero comes out with the most laconic of "The chamber, however, we give it to 14.00. At this point, the discontent is somewhat suppressed by a punitive expedition to the supermarket (?) Camping, stocked with shit like may be the only grocery stores across the Alps and this is the key that must be interpreted the purchase of three rolls of ass.
Courtesy of the camp we take possession of the bungalow for 12, leaving a deposit of 200 € when their value is estimated at around 30 and not before he spit on the ability judgments "oral" at the front desk clerk ( but the old one, not that young!) we headed to our dens.
is useful and interesting to note that we reserve one of Amsterdam's typical spring days: light but incessant rain and temperatures around 10 degrees centigrade. The company's clothing can be summarized by the words of Fabio Raga, pig D, I brought only the ghosts and now I the frozen feet, slut ... M ... "(IRA). Fomes goes to pee, we change ourselves, we make a backpack with a little 'stuff to dress up that is loaded on the shoulders of James and ... go to the country of Toys, only that of Pinocchio there is none, we are seven wicks!
reach the center of the Forbidden City you are in front of the first crossroads: GANJA OR FOOD? Needless to say, a supporter of most of the former is DeFomes, proudly backed by a large bomber dusting. Too bad that the vox populi bring the whole group to eat a kebab ABDUL TEFACCIOILCUL takes away the biggest. Fomes goes to pee. With a full belly and empty the bladder entrance you prepare triumphant in the first coffeeshop (SLOTH), named only vaguely symbolic: The Barrel. Quick
you active and in record time are given birth to two ... "so" that swirl between us ... they move around the start of the trumpet! Fabio then
Fomes in fluency, Sdeee the Gigo and the Count teaches the basics ("oh well .. roll melee" mimicking the arcane art of Murano glass), the Gigo coughs, Cri laments the effect of two hooks on the chin and then James.
tones subside, James smokes, laughs, crap, James smokes, smokes more laughter and then James Cri note: "James ... but you're still smoking?" And the white boy "Yeah. I think I'll finish ... ".
not without some hesitation and difficulty, it takes courage to 2 hands (and fucking proud you begin to stand alone ...) and you decide to go for a ride. It takes about 3 minutes, ie until the Settebrutto passes in front of Kentucky Fried Chicken, where it is cut off an entire chicken coop U.S. (GOLA) to stop the hunger pangs chemistry. We are getting ready to leave but Fomes must go for a pee and then you wait a little longer.
(Ed.: In preparing the draft of this story at this time we stopped as Fomes says: "But I was not there to Kentucky, I was waiting outside, we ate on the street ... ... ... Fomes is not true).
Around the 18, are tired, the Gigo feel pain in the loins of the first evidence that age, you look in your eyes, you are peering, we must recover ... RED LIGTH DISTRICT! (LUST). Here things you can not tell because they are indescribable, as well as Diso admitted, as far as we can think of a town with the whores on display as never before in this case the reality beyond imagination. In each case the band pass with indifference in the middle of alleys full of half-naked women who try to lure them into the network, there are several places where the event is live porn and ignore sexyshop where they sell fake chips that vibrate fucking rubber as big as a child and other similar amenities. Only qualms are falling around 18:02 and we throw all inside, inside, inside ... Sex Museum, just to see what's there. After that ass fart and laugh and shelves full of objects that give pleasure to go to the room dedicated to that great swelling of the Marquis de Sade ... You must remember in this case the comments of James on the photos:
"Well, here's one that swallows ... .. s"
"Well, here's one that you give a dog"
"Well, here there are people who shit on each other "
" Behold, here is a man who sucks cock in a woman with a pea, maybe not this. " You quit inter
imbarzottito and perplexed, street rods, James smokes but not only him, Fomes, for now, not piss.
It then opts for a recreational visit to the Amsterdam Dungeon, subspecies of fairground attraction tending to scary and you are greeted by a deranged man who throws a huge ax portal scaring to death the poor Fabio who catches the spirit "Oh this We shot a patton .. "and after a dismal performance at the entrance (see photo) comes a huge black guy dressed as a gravedigger and makeup (or maybe Executioner or priest .. .. oh well ..) asking" Who is the first ... ?? "awkward silence, shots cough and then Fabio, more frightened, "Well I think the ladies were before us ..".
You enter and start the game, two lifts and presses Balule (and so far no bum) with "The women on this side and Fabio" And go! Whores on one side and the other fags! "Astonishment among the Anglo-Saxons, awkward laughter, burps, farts and pats on the ass .. (Some blasphemy ..) then torture group (Fabio takes a hook in the ass, Gigo is to cut out her tongue), he tries with all Diso, Fomes barks in the dark "I'm so scared!" .. and exits, street rods, Fomes piss (but may not be true ..) then when an aperitif, Irish coffee, chocolate hot rods for snacks, beer for Fomes (which goes to pee ... here I am sure).
Eat .. "Unlimited chicken" .. big butt good dinner but not too much Dutch Diso ... is fucked by her sandwich (11 euros).
E 'unnecessary emphasis on canes or curses. From now on, will no longer be cited for decency against humanity. In any case please feel free to enter at will, however, will not be enough (PRIDE).
Fomes goes to pee. And we like to remember this instead.
At this point it is difficult to think of something else .. you lose a little 'time with useless gibberish .. Then we look in the eyes, the hesitation is practically nil ... and we look at the whores!! Many, many, many, many hoes! "White, black, pure Chinese!" (Cited above)
The tour, however, does not last as it should, because of illness due to long journey, pork swallow, hormonal imbalances due to old age and bottanazze now advancing and now back to the campsite .. Fomes smoke and piss and you put to bed.
Breakfast of champions still full of ConteDe and its rituals, piss, plenty of accommodation of the genitals, rods and ipod .. and joy will return to Mecca.
Heineken Experience! Coda boring with Fomes restless about the lack of raw material and Diso beginning to experiment with fearful attitude success and the art of paparazzi.
Between sets, many 3D movies and beer the day moving forward very fast ... You go out and double the count formula request: smoke and piss! The Bulldogs meet both Fomesigenze .. the enclosed environment full of smoke, without lighting reference abbott us .. Gigo launches the world of cannabinoids in the up and pulls like a bellows!
exit when coffee in the hope of finding a bit of Italy in the midst of whores (of course means the typical Dutch shoes .. but some of you have ever thought about the tragic similarities ..? Oh well ..) and cheese, orange, Diso Sdeee starts from the opposite sidewalk and yells "Take an express" still Diso "How?" "Bring me an espresso!" And while the tram (which passes them to Amsterdam .. between two friends who speak on a sidewalk ..) is going to get good Diso yells "Ste, tell me NOW!" And "A "The public transport passes at breakneck speed occluding the view of the husband who left them a bit 'like a jerk ... coarse laughter, burps and farts (Ah! Italians abroad!).
flower market at the request of Gigo with adjoining shop Christmas (Yes,. .. In July) where he managed the Bee Gees Barry Gibb do with sly and try to undermine Fabio Cri .. turmoil and tight ass! Bulicci here ... .. Articles Christmas in July .. Christmas thong ... no .. I'm going home ..! (Cited)
After the chase, however, totally vulgar and unprofitable a boatload of pussy (yes, a boat full of pussy!) Diso casting and outlines a "Can I Come With You?" "NO". Laughter galore because basically we are sportsmen and conceded defeat. After
then collected some information at what will be the goal of the evening and that is the Theatre Casa Rosso, it paints a badly bossa-whore looking for some tour twilight ugly .. Fomes finally fasten your shoes after announcing that it would do so by 11 o'clock.
dinner of meat, beer and belches, the Count piss and after a while 'shopping is a ritual you stop at Grasshopper, taking pictures just as stupid as all of us and off again for the Red light district.
It was decided in the worst tradition of bachelor parties for the night because her husband was too much left in peace .. but here we are not Tabarca .. the posters are telling "FUCK REAL SHOW" translated beautifully into a typical Italian expression "KEY REALLY ...
To kill time during the time we decide to queue at the performance of clients of windows nell'other side of the channel .. 2 minutes, 5 minutes and a historic and resounding 1 minute and 42 seconds ...
You enter, type Temple Theatre, we put random splits .. Fabio, James and Fomes in the audience, Cri and just behind Gigo, Diso and groom (which is low profile) in the tunnel.
The show tends to slow cumbersome and at times unbearable, but in any case tends to degenerate. Note the color
Gigo which maintains friendly conversation with an English girl and an actress on stage and decides to impersonate Troy smoking a funny sex scene style Love Actually starring a neuron that some claim is the same as the Dungeon and otherwise ago shows a winch is not indifferent, to quote the Gigo "Well .. without this shit .. "(ENVY)
... You go out and raise the morale think of something new and stimulating ... A great tour bitches! Serenity .. Fomes piss, not remember where and the night draws to a close with a good deal of comments that border on the bargain of the slave trade .. not at all sexist ..
We return after a short bus ride to the campsite and gives you a little 'well-deserved rest, the final comments of the groom did not think in reality we were so mad .. or at least would not believe it, and sleep!
It thus arrives at the morning of departure, postcards, lunch shit, petty grammar lesson ("green" is an adjective or a noun?) And prior to departure here comes the tragic dilemma .. the residue of what is legal here in Holland but anywhere else it's not what of?
In a final momentum masculinity of Italy decided to sell it as a tribute to a group of (hopefully) laide French (Zidane's mother is a whore) sighted the day before by Cree and Diso and how right he was sent ambassador to the groom ...
James picks up a short distance the scene, framing and then approaches the group says "someone who touches me the fuck not ..?".. disconnected words, the gift is rejected as too filthy are leaving for their country of shit that night and Gigo points out, "Well have to smoke all day ..." James and precise, with a zoom worthy of the best Tinto Brass "And also of great tits." Tomi Tomi
Hunting Hunting and go back to the van not earlier than the gloss of those? But of course, that James shot on the last two of the prostitutes over the Alps is granted a last "But why do not you touch ...?" (Soon in DVD in the works).
Before leaving Amsterdam Fomes piss and greets us listening to the last pearl .. "Well .. the money's gone to hell .. and we do not !!!".
Km Km to go back to the house in a surreal atmosphere of sadness ... the highlights of the trip:
- The Gigo exceeds 70 km / h on motorways and perhaps also the first multi!
- Buying a cheap porn scandal (newspaper) Teutonic .. touching cocks with hairy arms .. (Ecco.. .. Maybe not even that!)
- Clamorous velox in Canada! 140 km / h limit of 120
- Inculatio benzinalis putrens .. pull the engine of the bus like the neck of an ostrich to make sure Benz Swiss territory of tax breaks worth Tangentopoli ... (GREED) and 'was like choosing rice cake or take in the ass .. rice cake obviously over .. Ignorant and short week.
Diso us back in Italy (....) And after mattonazza of sandwiches and beer and piss Fomes of the first motorways, the journey draws to a close at 1.00 and the groom is lodged in the house.
your choice of how each of us has decided to end the evening ...
E 'out of hand, it went how it went ... but still went to Ste and we like to think that this may have been the best hope that a bunch of dazed as we could for him this important moment, and we believe it may have been a beautiful and original way to permanently close the chapter on fun of his life ...! :)
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Best Place To Wax In Richmond, Bc
Verdino Photos of the contest in Amsterdam are on my, short on these pages have the story
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